Insert calls to GetFeed functions in your template.php or components (e.g. sidebar)

Available functions:

  • getfeed_list_titles( $feedurl [ , $numposts] )
    sample function to display a list titles linking to source post. Sample use in sidebar.
  • getfeed_echo_posts( $feedurl [ , $numposts] )
    sample function, displays full posts. Customizable with CSS styles. Sample page
  • getfeed_output( $feedurl , $html [ , $numposts ] )
    customize feed output (this function is called by the first two)


$feedurl is a string, the URL of the feed.

In all functions $numposts is optional: the maximum number of items to be displayed. Default is 0 = no maximum (all items)

In getfeed_output, $html must be a string containing HTML code, with the following keywords:

  • {{title}} - the post title
  • {{link}} - URL of the post
  • {{description}} - post body contents
  • {{date}} - date and time (if the script can get it)
  • {{pid}} - post ID. 1=first, etc.  Maybe be useful for e.g. different styles (as used in sample function getfeed_echo_posts)

These keys that will be replaced by their correspondent values for each feed item. (Take a look at the source code)